What’s your process?

Amy Stevens
2 min readMay 7, 2018

Oh, what a funny question. When you do something remotely creative for a living, naturally there must be something you do that can be replicated. Copied. Implemented by the masses. People write books on things like processes.

Some people talk about their process as if they’ve cracked the code on all things creative and branding and strategy, and describe it using all the marketing buzz words that exist in the universe. I knew a guy who could only come up with original ideas after midnight. Some claim they can only “be creative” after consuming copious amounts of liquor. Still some claim there’s a magical sliver of time in each day they feel most creative — and if they miss this timeslot they have to wait till tomorrow and try again. Some write three pages, take a break; write three pages, take a break.

I can’t say any of that’s ever worked for me.

Some days, I feel like I’m inspired from the moment I wake up. Or when I’m in the shower. Or after I’ve found the perfect window seat at Starbucks.

And now it’s been two weeks since I’ve been able to feasibly put hypothetical pen to paper.

In fact, in the past week, I’ve done very little writing (for public eyes at least) at all.

What have I done instead?

I’ve gone to Michael’s craft store approximately 600 times.

I’ve spray painted approximately 20 tiny horses — gold. I’ve spray painted a grapevine wreath — gold. I’ve spray painted a vintage bar cart —…



Amy Stevens

Overzealous dog mom, content design leader, succulent fanatic.