What the heck is a Content Team, and what does one do?

Amy Stevens
3 min readApr 18, 2018

Content teams run the gambit and seem to vary across organizations everywhere. That’s in part because an actual content team is still a new thing in most organizations — even for ones with in-house User Experience departments. Some of the business partners and teams we work with are still getting used to us being at the table. We get that. We’re new. We kind of live in an uncomfortable place between totally established and yet-to-be-determined. We’re malleable like that. We’re flexy.

For today’s purposes, let’s focus on a content team within a user experience group (department). In a UX group, content teams can consist of UX Writers, Content Strategists, UX Content Managers, Blog Writers, Social Media Writers … it all depends on what work your UX group is focused on. Sprinkle in some marketing and consumer-facing writers, if you need to tackle emails or similar initiatives. Some content individuals do a little bit of everything, and some are more specialists.

Some of us are grammar freaks. Some of us are walking encyclopedias. Some even know the APA and Chicago Style differences as if that’s a totally normal thing that everyone knows. Some came from marketing backgrounds, or social media teams, or even technical writing. Others of us could tell you the intricacies of asthma meds like it’s our job (because at one time, it…



Amy Stevens

Overzealous dog mom, content design leader, succulent fanatic.